The Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practices for making web pages fast. My slides from the "Exceptional Website Performance with YSlow 2.0" show at CSDN (China Software Developers Network) in Beijing, Dec 6, 2008
A risk assessment report is provided as output.
Lightbox is a script used to overlay images on the current page. Download a zip of the latest release (or any previous one) from the Github Releases page. Start by including the Lightbox CSS and Javascript. If you are not currently using jQuery, I've created a packaged file that includes both Lightbox and jQuery. 15 Oct 2015 Use jsPDF to generate PDF files in client-side Javascript. Tip: We have to download the newest version of the library and include it in the If we want to go to another page we can use the setPage function. doc. In the above example, we passed an Image HTML DOM element as a first argument of the Generate PDFs in JavaScript using html2pdf and Puppeteer. You can download it from the GitHub repository, or if you already have a bundler in your site, you CutePDF allows you to create PDF files from any printable document, save PDF forms using Acrobat Reader, Free Download (3.10 MB) No popup ads! But these readable PDF files are not supported by Dynamic Web TWAIN. To load Download the core control used in this article through npm. npm install Soon this PDF file will show up as an image(s) in the image viewer on the page dist/dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js">